The Need For Muhammad(saw)’s Message From God in The Black Community

The African-American has been made sick by being captured by sick people who forced us to help build a sick world. In the Qu’ran it says in surah 45 ayot 23: “Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded?” As a people we have had our mores, taboos, and
values eroded by a society that is constantly experimenting with the “truth.” Thus, we have become confused. Add to this the psychic disturbance caused from being the orphans of history.

When the Qu’ranic message hits mankind, it is like a a harbor light tower in the storm and becomes source of guidance in the violent disorienting waters. The hood has many parallels when the  Arabs in Mecca during the Age of Ignorance at the advent of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’ s mission. His prophetic mission 1400 years ago addressed every social ill that African-Americans face today. Drug and alcohol consumption,fornication, tribal or neotribal (gang) violence, predatory lending, gambling theft, and broken homes are explicitly addressed in the Qu’ran and the social order the Qu’ran commands for us to create.

The Qu’ran: A Book of Guidance

The idea of revelation is not like other forms of knowledge. The Western philosophical tradition of inductive and deductive reasoning or scientific knowledge which relies on verifiable observation are limited to the scope of man made instruments and human comprehension. There will always be a myopia when trying to assess what we call reality. Then there is bias, preconceived notions, and other selfish motives through which supposedly objective
information is filtered. So, the secular sciences and humanities are admittedly flawed. Revelation has been shunned because it does not yield demonstrably proven facts that would allows it to be applied universally as an objective standards of verification. However, what the Western tradition of thought lacks is a method for evaluating scripture and religious claims that would lend some integrity to understanding religion.

When dealing with the question of how do we know that the Qu’ran is divine revelation it is important to start with what the Qu’ran says about itself. First and foremost it is declared in the Qu’ran that this is a book of guidance. This is probably the most significant aspect when assessing the truth of book. The secular systems of thought do not provide guidance nor do they claim to do so. They seek to reveal certain truths about nature but true meaning and
purpose is hard for them to do when they reject that there was a First Cause in creation and that this First Cause created with intent and therefore creation has inherent purpose.

When dealing with the question of how do we know that the Qu’ran is divine revelation it is important to start with what the Qu’ran says about itself. First and foremost it is declared in the Qu’ran that this is a book of guidance. This is probably the most significant aspect when assessing the truth of book. The secular systems of thought do not provide guidance nor do they claim to do so. They seek to reveal certain truths about nature but true meaning and
purpose is hard for them to do when they reject that there was a First Cause in creation and that this First Cause created with intent and therefore creation has inherent purpose. The Qu’ran states in surah 2 ayot 185: “ ……. a guidance for mankind and clear evidence of guidance and discrimination (between wrong)”.

The plight of the human being is at the center of the book’s purpose. This purpose is in harmony with man’s obsession with his own purpose in life, his reason for existing. All of the other systems of thought can only answer what but the Qu’ran establishes why. In surah 51 ayot 56 the Qu’ran says “I created jinn and men for no
other purpose but to worship me.” This term worship means to give devotion, obeisance, or that which you place about everything else

One philosopher said that there is a God-shaped- hole in our selves that we will fill with something if not God. We are worshipful beings. We  show devotion, obeisance, and give first priority to something and if that something is removed from us it sends us into a tailspin. This is existential reality of the human being that can not be
changed or at least hasn’t in the millions of years of our existence. Even the nihilist who rejects all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless finds fulfillment in other with other things. Indeed, the absence of God at the center of your life is idolatry. Following this logic then atheism which means without a god as indicated by the a (without) is not truly atheism. There is always a deity somewhere in our lives because there is always something we are deifying. The soul demands it. The Qu’ran is simply redirecting our natural impulses to serve
the official purpose of our creation.


Professor Shareef Muhammad

Conveying to Black America What Islam Is

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